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  • DSSSB -DASS Grade IInd
    Duration : 1 Month(s)
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DASS Grade II exam is conducted by the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) which takes care of the need of employees in the NCT Delhi. DASS Grade II exam is conducted to recruit people for various posts like Pharmacist, Legal Assistant, Assistant Superintendent, Matron, Warder etc. 

The eligibility for different posts are not the same and here we have provided the eligibility for different posts.

Name of Posts
Educational Qualifications
Physical Endurance Test


Service Department
Degree from a recognised university in Arts/Commerce/Science or Agriculture
20-32 Years
Pharmacist (Homeopathic) Department of Ayush

1. 10+2 with Science Subject

2. Diploma in Homeopathy pharmacy of not less than two years from a Government Board/institution
Not exceeding 27 years
Legal Assistant

1. Bachelor degree in any subject with Bachelor’s in Law from a recognised university/institute.


2. Five years integrated graduate degree in Law from a recognised university/institute.
Not exceeding 30 years
Asstt. Superintendent
Bachelor degree from a recognised university

For Male

1. 1600 meters race in 06 minutes and 30 seconds.

2. High Jump:- 3’6’’

3. Broad/Long Jump:- 13.0 feet

For Female

1. 800 meters race in 04 minutes and 30 seconds.

2. High Jump:- 3.0 feet

3. Broad/Long Jump:- 9.0 feet
18-27 years
Matron (Only for Female)
10+2 (Senior Secondary pass from a recognised Board)

1. 800 meters race in 04 minutes and 30 seconds.

2. High Jump:- 3.0 feet

3. Broad/Long Jump:- 9.0 feet
18-27 years
Warder (only for Male)
10+2 (Senior Secondary pass from a recognised Board)

1. 1600 meters race in 06 minutes and 30 seconds.

2. High Jump:- 3’6’’

3. Broad/Long Jump:- 13.0 feet
18-27 years

Exam Pattern

The aforesaid examination scheme, for the post of Grade-11(DASS) only, has been reviewed by the Board and it has been changed/amended vides resolution no. P&P/2017/14 dated 25/05/2017 as under:

The examination scheme prescribed by DSSSB vides said notification for the post of Grade-II (DASS) is as under:- 


Indicative posts




Total Ques. (MCQ)

Total Marks (MCQ)

Total Marks (Descript.)

Grand Total


Two Tier

(General Post)






2 Hrs.





i. General Awareness.

ii. General Intelligence & Reasoning ability.

iii. Arithmetical & Numerical Ability.

iv. Test of Hindi Language & Comprehension.

v. Test of English Language (40 Marks each) & Comprehension.





3 Hrs.





<!--[if !supportLists]-->   i.    <!--[endif]-->English Language and comprehension -75 Marks

<!--[if !supportLists]--> ii.    <!--[endif]-->Mental Ability:- 75 Marks

<!--[if !supportLists]-->iii.    <!--[endif]-->General Awareness:- 75 Marks

<!--[if !supportLists]-->iv.    <!--[endif]-->Numerical Aptitude & Data Interpretation -50 Marks.

<!--[if !supportLists]--> v.    <!--[endif]-->General Computer Knowledge -25 Marks




Exit Exam

An optional Exit Examination of qualifying nature, if Board so decides, may be Exam conducted for shortlisted candidates of Tier-Il exam for testing minimum standards in writing skills by means of an essay or expansion of Ideas

The Final Selection shall be made based on merit in the Tier-11 Exam.


General Awareness

1. Current Events of the last six months
2. Indian History
3. Indian Polity
4. Indian Constitution
5. Sports
6. Art & Culture
7. Geography
8. Economics
9. General Science
10. Scientific Research and Discoveries
11. National/International Organisations
12. Rivers, Seas and Lakes
13. Famous Places around India
14. Books and Authors

General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability

1. Analogy
2. Similarities and Differences
3. Space Visualisation
4. Problem solving
5. Analysis
6. Judgement and Decision Making
7. Visual Memory
8. Discrimination
9. Observation
10. Relationship 9Blood Relation)
11. Alphabetical reasoning
12. Number series

Arithmetical & Numerical Ability

1. Number System
2. Simplification
3. Decimals
4. Data Interpretation
5. Fractions
6. L.C.M. and H.C.F.
7. Ratio & Proportion
8. Percentage
9. Average
10. Profit & Loss
11. Discount
12. Simple & Compound Interest
13. Mensuration
14. Time & Work
15. Time & Distance
16. Statistics

English Language & Comprehension

1. Common Errors
2. Sentence Improvement
3. One Word Substitution
4. Idiom & Phrase
5. Synonyms & Antonyms.
6. Fillers
7. Spelling Test
8. Voice
9. Narration
10. Reading Comprehension

Computer Knowledge

1. Hardware and Software Basics
2. History and Origin of Computers
3. Generation of Computers
4. Windows Operating System
5. Internet and Related Terms
6. Questions on Basic MS-Office
7. Networking and Communication Fundamentals
8. Database Management
9. Virus and Security
10. Input and Output Devices

Now the aforesaid examination scheme, for the post of Grade-II (DASS) only, has been reviewed by the board and it has been changed/ amended vides resolution no. P & P/ 2017/ 14 dated 25/05/2017 as under: 


Indicative Posts







Total Marks (MCQ)




Grand Total


Two Tier (General Posts)

Grade – II (DASS)


Tier –I





1.  General Awareness.

2.   General intelligence & Reasoning ability.

3.  Arithmetical & Numerical Ability.

4.  Test of Hindi Language & comprehension.

5.  Test of English language  & comprehension. (40 marks each)


Tier – II





i.  English Language and Comprehension -  75 marks

ii.  Mental ability  - 75 marks

iii.  General awareness -  75 marks

iv.   Numerical aptitude & Data interpretation -  50 marks

v.   general computer knowledge -  25 marks

Exit Exam

An optional Exit Examination of qualifying nature, if boards so decide, may be conducted for shortlisted candidates of Tier – II exam for testing minimum standards in writing skills by means of an essay or expansion of ideas.

The final selection shall be made based on merit in Tier-II exam. The amended/ changed examination scheme for the post grade – II (DASS) will be applicable in respect of all the exams to be held henceforth. 

No. F 4 (100)/2013/ P& P/NES/ DSSSB/ 446-449

Copy for information to: 
1. Chairman, DSSSB
2. Member – II, Controller of Examination, Secretary, DSSSB
3. Dy. Secretary (Exam-I/Exam-II/Interview Cell/CC-I/CC-II/Admission/Legal)
4. System Analyst to upload the notice on the website of the board. 
